The RCTA was established in year 2009 with the name as "Rajasthan Computer Traders Association" , with more than 350+ register members.
Rajasthan Computer Traders Association is an official association of computer dealers in Rajasthan. Protect your interest by becoming an RCTA member!.. The group is dedicated to help highlight the problems and issues faced by the members of the IT community like harrassment from VENDORS, non-recovery of payments, service issues, announcement of defaulters, unfair trade practices and so many more day to day problems.
Our elected honorable executive committe members.
+91-94140 72413
+91-98281 10030
+91-98281 10010
+91-98290 64856
+91-98280 61151
+91-94140 70246
+91-998870 47701
+91-98877 09280
This RCTA is intended to become the mouth piece of members to openly disclose and voice specific names and issues.